Does Canopy inspect everything that happens on my protected device?

Does Canopy inspect everything that happens on my protected device?

Does Canopy inspect everything that happens on my shield’s device?

Currently, Canopy monitors all Internet browsing (including images, text, videos, and URLs), all photos taken on or downloaded to Android devices, and most photos taken on or downloaded to iOS devices.
Canopy does not currently scan text messages, emails, phone calls, content within non-browser apps, or videos taken on your protected device. 

Canopy will work with most browsers, including Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox.

Canopy will not save browsing history and will not report any of the history of the monitored browsing.
Some secure browsers, such as DuckDuckGo, are not compatible with Canopy. As a result, Canopy blocks DuckDuckGo by default.

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